Friday, August 15, 2008

Otakon hit list

Otakon hit list

One of the main reasons to go to an anime convention is to buy things that you would otherwise have to import youself, or that are flat out impossible to find due to being out of production. I dont spend an immense amount of time trolling the dealers room, but I usually have a fair amount of money budgeted to snap up some goodies as I wander it. Heres a list of tasty import items I wouldnt mind finding at Otakon this year: Yamato Queadluun-Rau (Miria colors) - I saw this a previous year b

Saints Row 2

Saints Row 2 brings true freedom to open-world gaming. Players can play as who they want, how they want, and with whomever they want in this sequel to the much acclaimed and tremendously successful Saints Row. Set years after the original, the player finds himself in a Stilwater both familiar and strange and challenged with bringing the Saints back as the rightful kings of Stilwater and bringing vengeance to those who wronged him. click here to learn more ShareThis Related posts No r

Nintendo est trabalhando no sucessor do Wii

Segundo informaes, a Nintendo j est trabalhando no console sucessor do Nintendo Wii. O Presidente Satoru Iwata j disse que a empresa j est adiantando o hardware do novo video game. Como ainda difcil de encontrar o Wii em alguns pases, a Nintendo planeja melhorar nesse ponto no lanamento de seu prximo console. Ele ainda disse que ser difcil bater os nmeros que o Wii obteve, mas esse o principal objetivo.

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